Students Plant 49 Trees at Salazar Elementary with Texas Trees Foundation

Texas Trees Foundation launches Cool School at Salazar Elementary

Over 550 students at Salazar Elementary in Dallas, Texas planted 49 trees with the support of teachers and volunteers as part of Texas Trees Foundation’s Cool Schools program.

Volunteers came from organizations and companies such as Idea Grove, The Beck Group, Studio Outside and Groundwork Dallas.

“Our goal is for students to have experiences that connect them to the real-world in a meaningful and engaging way,” said Yoely Alfano, Assistant Principal at Salazar Elementary. “They were part of creating our Green Team, designing what the park will look like and now the implementation process which embeds each student in the project.”

Above all, administrators at the school are looking forward to connecting the campus and the community that surrounds it. They expect the finished product to be something that families will use not only when they pick up their student, but on the weekends during their free time.

“Since the kids have been part of this, they will look forward to coming to school because of the impact they made,” said Pamela Murtuza, 4th grade teacher at Salazar Elementary. “We are excited for what is to come with a new outside classroom and renovating the playground area.”

In addition, Texas Trees Foundation will continue to educate staff and students about the importance of trees.

Along with providing increased shade coverage and air quality, Salazar Elementary will also install a walking trail for the community to use during non-school hours.

"These trees are going to bridge the gap between our school and the community that surrounds it,” said Yoely Alfano. “Our students are excited to leave a legacy that will continue to grow whenever they leave and to show their own children whenever they come back as adults."

To learn more about the Cool Schools program, please contact the Texas Trees Foundation Education Manager at