Monthly Project Updates

SWMD Transformation The right way for a right-of-way

Harry Hines Boulevard in the Southwestern Medical District will become the new evidence-based design model of what a medical district can be.

The impending visionary, therapeutic landscape redesign is set to transform this primary corridor within the SWMD into a vibrant, connected, and safe multi-model linear parkway, complete with a 10-acre park.

After the publication of the Texas Trees Foundation's Urban Streetscape Master Plan (2016) and Urban Heat Island Management Study (2017), work officially kicked off in the corridor in 2019. Learn more about what we have been up to since then by checking out our Project Update archives. 

Project Update Archive


“My [Parkland HIV team] is always wanting to do something together outside of work but we all live so far away from each other. If there was a park in the district, I would be inclined to …take everyone to the park and have our staff meeting there too.”

-SWMD Medical Provider

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