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Sustainability and Heath Care

By texastrees | September 30, 2022

Over the past few years, the medical community has rallied together to acknowledge that it has a vital role to play in addressing climate change. This effort grew out of the recognition that the health care  system is itself a major driver of environmental pollutants that adversely affect human health.1  There is growing consensus that […]

History SWMD

A History Book Synopsis for the Hospitals of the Southwestern Medical District

By texastrees | September 14, 2022

“It takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature.” –             Henry James Thanks to their tireless efforts, and passion for our city’s history, Evelyn Montgomery, Ph.D. Director and Curator for the Old Red Museum of Dallas County History and Culture, along with Robert Prejean, Southwestern Medical District Manager and Urban Planner have […]

Urban Story  

By texastrees | September 5, 2022

A Conversation with Robert Prejean  Bricks, one of the oldest known building materials, came about when man thoughtfully mixed straw and clay together, creating a stronger product than the sum of its parts. For Robert Prejean, Manager and sole employee of the Southwestern Medical District, his brick making exists in the form of combining two […]

Beginnings and Endings: Reflections on the SWMD   

By texastrees | August 31, 2022

This month we take a pause from our normal routine, a departure from usual topics and featured articles to reflect on days gone by and days to come. The SWMD is in the midst of great change, change that will usher in new opportunities for innovation and growth, pave the way for new experiences for […]

SWMD Transformation Latest Media

Since the project's inception, local and state media coverage have helped to tell the story and highlight the progress of the SWMD Streetscape and Park Transformation Project. Because of its use of evidence-based design, the project is poised to "...teach the rest of the country how to design for urban heat... [starting] with data."-Jeffrey Ray, CBS DFW Meteorologist

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