On Saturday, October 14, approximately 200 residents received new trees from the City of Farmers Branch. The giveaway just so happened happened to occur during the solar eclipse!
Several different species of trees were available at the giveaway including: Lace Bark Elm, Redbud, Black Gum, and more.
“Trees are an important part of keeping our neighborhoods cooler and healthier. We are glad to be partnering with the City of Farmers Branch for another year to provide free trees for residents. The trees will help cool hotter areas in the summer and make Farmers Branch greener.”
-Emily Plauche, Urban Forester for Texas Trees Foundation
Trees cool the surfaces of their surrounding environment through shade and offer additional ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, air pollution removal, energy savings, and stormwater savings. Trees also provide health benefits and can lower temperatures up to 15 degrees.
Texas Trees Foundation has been greening and cooling North Central Texas through programs like tree giveaways since our founding in 1982.
Contact us if you'd like to discuss a tree giveaway in your area.