You Spoke, We Heard!
Phase 1 of the Equitable Engagement component is complete and the Texas Trees Foundation is thrilled to release the Phase 1 Equitable Engagement Summary for the SWMD Urban Streetscape Project!
This document covers all of the engagement activities that we have conducted this year – from virtual community questionnaire to door-to-door canvassing. We have engaged 1,942 community members in the process so far! Thank you to everyone who has given their time and energy to create a healthier Southwestern Medical District.
The 1,169 responses collected from these community members led to an emerging community vision statement which culminates the design and placemaking constructions that stakeholders and engagement participants anticipate the project will encompass once completed. It will be invaluable as we move into concept design.
Harry Hines Boulevard is a safe and vibrant street for people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive. It is well-connected to adjoining hospitals, neighborhoods, and key destinations.
The redesigned street calms traffic while maintaining emergency access.
New streetscape amenities improve physical, social, and mental health while creating an iconic, people-friendly street that meaningfully integrates the natural environment.
Read the full document to find out more about our approach, process, and findings!