Texans Need More Trees
Your contributions will go toward funding our programs and projects. Texas Trees serves and stewards collaborations and partnerships in order to transform our communities into connected public greenspace and provide equitable access to every area of our City. We ensure that our efforts on greening are delivered with education and research that reduces environmental factors and increases health and well-being of all Texans to have a place to thrive. Join us and support the efforts to green our communities together.
Your support will advance Texas Trees' mission of research, education, and program impact.
Leaf Legion $5-$4,999
- Seedling giveaway (local, tree and seedling distributions and partnership plantings)
- Tree farm volunteer experience
- Forest health evaluation (initiating and supporting tree inventory and maintenance care plans for North Texas' urban forest)
- Education session
Planting Partner $5,000-$24,999
- Tree farm volunteer & education experience
- NeighborWoods tree giveaway
- NeighborWoods tree giveaway (expanded)
- Geographic Information Systems tree mapping & consultation
Grassroots Giver $25,000-$49,999
- Neighborhood park planting ("Branching Out")
- Tree canopy storm recovery
- Exclusive tree planting & educational experience
Ring Society $50,000-$149,999
- Urban tree canopy study
- Urban forest ecosystem analysis
- Campus tree inventory
- Equity tree mapping report
Arbor Angel $150,000+
- Urban forest master plan
- Urban forest management plan
- Support a Cool School
- Urban heat study

Employee Matching Submission Process
For more information about how your workplace monetarily matches your volunteer efforts as a donation to the Texas Trees Foundation, please see below. If you would like your organization to be listed below for the employee matching process, please contact info@texastrees.org.
Interested in Corporate Partnerships?
Contact alex@texastrees.org.
The information below can be found at DoubletheDonation.com.
Alliance Data Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://alliancedata.yourcause.com/.
Deadline: Matching Gifts must be requested by employees within one year of the date of the gift.
Bank of America Submission Process: Associates submit matching gift requests electronically by logging in at https://www.cybergrants.com/boa/branch.html.
Deadline: Associates can submit their gifts until March 31st of the year following their donation.
Celanese's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://celanesefoundation.yourcause.com. For additional information please contact celanesefoundation@celanese.com.
Davey Tree Expert Company Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors can submit their matching gift requests by contacting HR or community relations. Alternatively, employees may use the form provided at https://files.doublethedonation.com/forms/davey-tree-expert.pdf.
Fluor's Matching Gift Submission Process: While on the company intranet, employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://fluor.benevity.org/ Fluor matches employee donations to nonprofits. For more information on eligible organizations please reach out to Community.relations@fluor.com.
Fossil Group Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://fossil.yourcause.com/.
Home Depot Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at https://www.cybergrants.com/homedepot/.
Deadline: Employees must register their matching gift requests by January 31st of the year following the date of the donation.
International Paper Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should make their donations at https://internationalpaper.yourcause.com to be eligible for a match. International Paper only matches donations made via the MyImPact donation platform. Only eligible organizations are listed in the platform.
Jacobs Engineering Matching Gift Submission Process: While on the company intranet, employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://jacobs.benevity.org/.
JPMorgan Chase's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://www.cybergrants.com/jpmc/giving/. Funds will be put into the CSA where they can be allocated to firm approved eligible organizations. If you have questions or need assistance, please call JPMorgan Chase's Charitable Spending Account Program at (888) 291-0655 or email them at jpmcsupport@cybergrants.com
Kimberly-Clark's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at https://kimberlyclark.yourcause.com/.
Deadline: Kimberly-Clark requests employees submit match requests soon after making the donation, but employees can submit matching donation requests for up to 12 months from the original donation date.
Lennox International Inc.'s Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should download a copy of the most up-to-date matching gift form directly from the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts". Alternatively, employees can access a form previously provided at https://doublethedonation.com/forms/lennox-international.pdf. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact LII Public Relations at (972) 497-6981
McKesson Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at https://mckesson.yourcause.com/.
Deadline: Donors must submit the matching gift request within three months (90 days) of the date of the donation.
Microsoft's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors can submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://microsoft.benevity.org/.
Deadline: Donors can submit match requests for donations made at any point in the last 12 months.
Neiman Marcus's Matching Gift Submission Process: While on the company intranet, employees should submit matching gifts electronically at https://neimanmarcus.yourcause.com/.
Deadline: Employees are encouraged to submit match requests right after making a donation, but Neiman Marcus will match donations made at any point in the last six months.
Oncor (Sempra) Energy's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically through Sempra's employee giving portal located at https://www.sempraemployeegiving.org/for-employees. You may need to connect to the company intranet in order to access all of the pages.
Patagonia Matching Gift Submission Process: While on the company intranet, employees should submit their requests electronically via the SharePoint web form. To locate the SharePoint web form, employees should search the company intranet for "Employee Match Program".
Paypal's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at https://paypalgives.benevity.org/.
Deadline: Employees are requested to submit match requests in a timely manner since there is a company-wide annual limit that could be reached. Upon submission, the nonprofit will be notified and asked to verify and claim the donation.
Pioneer Natural Resources' Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://pioneer.yourcause.com/.
Raytheon's Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their gifts electronically at https://rtx.benevity.org/.
Deadline: Employees have 12 months from the donation date to request a matching gift from Raytheon
State Farm Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should log into https://www.cybergrants.com/statefarm/gives/ to submit their matching gift request electronically. Paper forms are no longer available accepted.
Deadline: Employees must submit match requests by January 31st of the year after the donation was made.
Texas Instrument's Matching Gift Submission Process: Donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at https://getinvolved.ti.com.
Deadline: Matching gift requests must be submitted within one year of the donation date.
Texas-New Mexico Power Matching Gift Submission Process: PNM employees and retirees should complete the matching gift form which can be downloaded from https://www.pnm.com/matching-grants. Please complete Part 1 of the form and provide it to the nonprofit organization.
Trinity Industries Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees / donors can submit their matching donation requests by contacting HR or the community relations department.
UnitedHealth Groups' Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees can submit their matching gift requests electronically by going to https://unitedhealthgroup.benevity.org. If you have questions or need assistance, please email giving@uhc.com.
Verizon Submission Process: Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically by logging in at https://www.cybergrants.com/pls/cybergrants/eg_login.login?x_gm_id=1240 to access the matching donation form.
Deadline: Employees have until end of January in the year following when the donation was made to submit a matching gift request.
Vizient (Lincoln Electric) Matching Gift Submission Process: Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at https://www.cybergrants.com/lincolnelectric/.
Deadline: Employees should submit their match requests within 160 days of their donation.
Volunteer Grants and Incentives
American Airlines
American Airlines awards a free flight voucher to charitable organizations when an individual employee volunteers with an organization for at least 50 hours.
Submission Process: Employees can find the most up-to-date form directly on the company intranet by searching for "Flights for 50" or "volunteer grant". Alternatively, employees may be able to submit their requests electronically at https://aagiving.yourcause.com.
Bank of America
Submission Process: Associates should log their hours and request the volunteer grant electronically through Bank of America's Community Volunteers website which is located at https://www.cybergrants.com/boa/branch.html. Upon submission, the nonprofit will be notified of the volunteer grant.
For additional information please visit http://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/global-impact/volunteer-grants-features-and-eligibility.html#fbid=tiesSxu1Tqr.
Deadline: Associates can submit their volunteer until January 31st of the year following when the volunteering was done.
Kimberly-Clark Foundation Community Partners
The KC Foundation will recognize the volunteer efforts of employees and their spouses or domestic partners by making $500 grants to the charitable organizations to which they volunteer at least 30 hours. Each employee can request one $500 grant per year. Each spouse / domestic partner can request an additional $500 grant per year.
Submission Process: Employees / volunteers should log their hours and request the volunteer grant electronically at https://kimberlyclark.yourcause.com/.
Deadline: Kimberly-Clark volunteers must log their hours and submit the grant requests by December 31st of the year in which the volunteering occurred.
Employees who volunteer can request a grant of $25 per every hour volunteered.
Submission Process: Employees / volunteers can log their hours and submit volunteer grant requests electronically at https://microsoft.benevity.org/.
Oncor - Sempra Energy offers two types of employee volunteer grant programs:
Individual Volunteer Grants
Employees of the Sempra companies who volunteer for at least one hour with a nonprofit organization or a school may request a VIP (Volunteer Incentive Program) grant for that organization. Grants are disbursed for $10 per full hour volunteered.
Season of Giving Team Volunteer Grants
During the holiday season, when teams of Sempra Energy employees volunteer together, they can request a Season of Giving grant.
Submission Process: Employees should go to https://www.sempraemployeegiving.org/ to start the volunteer grant process. You may need to connect to Sempra Energy's intranet to access all of the webpages. If you have questions or need assistance, please call (866) 262-4842 or email SempraEmployeeGiving@Sempra.com,
For every 10 hours an employee volunteers Paypal will provide a grant of $100. Each employee can request up to $500 in volunteer grants per year.
Submission Process: Volunteers should log their hours and request the volunteer grant electronically at https://paypalgives.benevity.org/.
Southwest's "Tickets for Time" program
For every 40 hours volunteered at a nonprofit by an employee or group of employees, Southwest will donate a complimentary, roundtrip ticket to that organization.
Submission Process: Employees should log their volunteer hours through the company's "Share The Spirit" program.
Texas New Mexico Power Volunteer Grants Program
Depending upon the level of involvement with an organization, employees and retirees can earn grants of as much as $500 per year for their nonprofit.
Grant amounts are as follows:
- 12 volunteer hours = $100 donation
- 25 volunteer hours = $200 donation
- 25 volunteer hours and serve on the board of directors = $500 donation
Submission Process:
PNM employees and retirees should complete the volunteer grant form which can be downloaded from https://www.pnm.com/volunteer-grants. Please complete Part 1 of the form and provide it to the nonprofit organization.
United Health Group's Dollars for Doers Program
After an employee volunteers for at least 30 hours in a calendar year, the company donates $500 on the employee’s behalf to the nonprofit organization where the employee volunteers. While connected to the company intranet, you can access additional details at https://unitedhealthgroup.benevity.org.
Submission Process: Employees can download a copy of the most up-to-date form from the company intranet by searching for "volunteer grant" or "Dollars for Doers" or by going to https://unitedhealthgroup.benevity.org. If you have questions or need assistance, please email unitedvolunteers@uhc.com.
Verizon's Volunteer Incentive Program
After Verizon employees volunteer 50 hours with an organization in a year, Verizon provides a volunteer grant of $750 to that organization. Each Verizon employee can request up to two separate $750 grants each year as long as 50 hours have been volunteered with each organization.
Additional details are available at https://www.verizon.com/about/sites/default/files/Volunteer-Incentive-Program-Rules.pdf or at https://doublethedonation.com/forms/verizon-volunteer-guidelines.pdf.
Submission Process: Employees / volunteers should log their hours and request volunteer grants electronically by logging in at https://www.verizon.com/about/responsibility/giving-and-grants.
Vizient (Lincoln Electric)
After Lincoln Electric employees volunteer for with an organization, the company will provide a grant to the organization.
Submission Process: Employees/volunteers should track their volunteer hours electronically at https://www.cybergrants.com/lincolnelectric/