cool schools yolo county PARTNER resources

Social Media Toolkit

March 1, 2024
Texas Trees Foundation has compiled graphics that you can share on social media to promote the Cool Schools Yolo Project. You can copy and save them below. This page will be updated at key milestones through the two-year campus transformation project.

  • Use #CoolSchoolsYolo
  • Tag @CALFIRE and clearly state funding for the initiative comes from its Urban and Community Forestry Program
  • Tag all partners, including Texas Trees Foundation, Washington Unified School District, Woodland Joint Unified School District, Woodland Tree Foundation and Tree Davis
  • Include the program’s website for audiences to learn more:
  • Note: No separate handle or social media account is to be made for Cool Schools Yolo County.

Social Media Assets

Download graphics below or download template to customize your post here.

CS Yolo Social
CS Yolo Social 2
Cool Schools Yolo

Media Inquiries

Texas Trees Foundation
Samantha Bradley
Cool Schools Program Director
(817) 635-6762

Washington Unified School District
Giorgos Kazanis
Executive Director of Communications

Woodland Joint Unified School District
Jerry Jimenez
Public Information Officer

Tree Davis
Torin Dunnavant
Executive Director

Woodland Tree Foundation
David Wilkinson
Program Coordinator


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